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Siirry navigaatioon
Siirry hakuun
qemu-kvm is one of the best virtual machine hosts for Linux.
aptitude install qemu-kvm
You have now installed qemu-kvm.
All commands are written in the terminal.
qemu(or "kvm")-img create -f qcow2 image_name.img 120G
kvm --name 2012r2 -m 2048 -hda some.img -cdrom /home/riku/Desktop/2012r3.iso -boot d -device e1000
--name = name of virtual machine
-m = memory for virtual machine (megabytes)
-balloon = dynamic memory usage
-hda = virtual hard drive in the form some.img
-cdrom = bootable .iso file location
-boot d = starts CD first, then hard drive (if you uncomment the -cdrom line, the hard drive starts first)
-device = your selected system components to be emulated (e1000 is Intel's gigabit NIC)
120G defines the size of the virtual hard drive. G stands for Gigabyte.
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