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 h English (en)When interpreting a coverage maps it is vital to understand that the information provided by the map is only referential. On the spot the signal quality can differ greatly from the expected values, as it goes with radio communications. In many map applications it is possible to make a coverage query using a precise address, which is probably the easiest way to find out the (referential!) coverage of for instance your new home. Depending on the system, you might also be able to get summarized information about the network coverage in your queried location, Elisa/Saunalahti has this kind of functionality, for instance. Final and the most accurate information can only be achieved with testing the network physically. On the edges of calculated coverage areas one should be prepared for greatly dampened coverage indoors, especially if the walls are thick, windows are multi-layered/spectrally selective glass or if the house has a metal roof. The further you are from a base station, the weaker your coverage becomes and any geographical / mechanical obstructions will have even greater effect on the functionality of the network.
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