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Coverage maps

Kohteesta Taisto
Versio hetkellä 21. elokuuta 2015 kello 09.31 – tehnyt Frans (keskustelu | muokkaukset) (Ak: Uusi sivu: === TeliaSonera === [ <big>Sonera's map, newer, plain</big>] Sonera's map has...)
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Coverage charts (or audibility charts ) are graphical interpretations of some networks expected coverage area. The map is made utilizing information such as transmitting power, geographical formations and used technologies. Because nearly all such charts are just computer generated models which do not for instance include radio weather or other such things, these charts are not 100% reliable and should be used for reference in determining whether or not an area has correct coverage in the location you seek.

Operators use the marketing term 4G for the new LTE (Long Term Evolution) network. Sometimes 4G might also be used to refer to 3G's newest technology, DC-SHPA (normally they are 3G Dual Carrier). ITU's (International Telecommunication Union) original definition defines that 4G stand for a mobile network, where the data transmission speed from the network to the client device is 1Gbit/s when the client device is in slow motion, for instance a cellphone in a pedestrians pocket. When moving fast, such as in an express train 100Mbit/s connection speed is required. A lot of Finnish ISP:s (and probably in other countries too) use the 4G term for networks which can't reach that, though. That's why one should always call these networks by their real names, LTE 800Mhz, 1800Mhz and 2600Mhz. Especially calling a 3G DC-HSPA network a 4G network is very misleading, since such a network only means combining two 2100Mhz cells, while the network technology itself is still 3G.

Interpreting charts

When interpreting a coverage chart it is vital to understand that the information provided by the chart is only referential. On the spot the signal quality can differ greatly from the expected values, as it goes with radio communications. In many map applications it is possible to make a coverage query using a precise address, which is probably the easiest way to find out the (referential!) coverage of for instance your new home. Depending on the system, you might also be able to get summarized information about the network coverage in your queried location, Elisa/Saunalahti has this kind of functionality, for instance. Final and the most accurate information can only be achieved with testing the network physically. On the edges of calculated coverage areas one should be prepared for greatly dampened coverage indoors, especially if the walls are thick, windows are multi-layered/spectrally selective glass or if the house has a metal roof. The further you are from a base station, the weaker your coverage becomes and any geographical / mechanical obstructions will have even greater effect on the functionality of the network.

In Sonera's map it is possible to select between excellent and good coverage. A good rule of thumb is that in "excellent" coverage areas your cellphone will stay on the network constantly. On "good" coverage areas you might experience some breaks and the phone might transition into 3G network, if LTE signal drops too weak. You can still get a stable and functioning network connection on areas with "good" coverage by uising external antennae and a quality LTE router. For cellphone / mobile use the signal is often too weak and the user experience poor.

Coverage maps for different operators in Finland

In this article we go through the coverage map functions and information for different operators who provide mobile/LTE networks in Finland. Links to the maps included!


DNA's map In DNA's coverage map it is possible to distinguish between LTE 800Mhz and LTE 1800Mhz networks. The map's resolution is quite low though and the raster is single coloured, so judging the realistic coverage is difficult. On the 3G and 2G side the map is nearly the same as other operators. One downside is that the DC network which is on the UMTS900Mhz, 2100Mhz are pictured with the same raster, thus making it impossible to differentiate what is provided in either area.


Sonera's map, newer, plain Sonera's map has all of the LTE network only decipted by one colour, thus making it impossible to know the frequency. They also claim that the entire network is capable of speeds up to 150Mbit/s, which is not even possible in an LTE 800Mhz network. On the 3G side the map can display speed, but not network technology. The has a selection between "excellent" and "good" coverage for coverage to be displayed. The most realistic data is under "excellent" coverage, since "good" coverage is just their word VERY POOR to use indoors without extra antennae / equipment.

Sonera, vanha käyttöliittymä,monipuolisemmat tiedot Tässä kartassa on laajemmin valittavissa taajuusalueet. Suurin parannus on 3G puolella, jossa on 900Mhz ja 2100Mhz verkot erikseen tarkasteltavissa. Lisäksi voi katsoa, missä tuetaan 21Mbit/s nopeutta ja Dual Carrier-ominaisuutta. Käytettävyys on tosin heikompaa, sillä sivu latautuu todella hitaasti ja usein kartan vierittäminen aiheuttaa kartan toiminnan pysähtymisen.

Elisa Saunalahti

Elisan kuuluvuuskartta

Elisan kuuluvuuskartassa on mahdollista tarkastella 2G,3G ja LTE verkkoja erikseen. Kuitenkin kaikissa verkoissa rasterin sävy ei vaihtele taajuuden tai kuuluvuuden voimakkuuden mukaan. Sen vuoksi esim. LTE verkko näyttää laajalti kuuluvalta.

Kartta myös kertoo verkkojen nopeudet. 3G väitetään olevan jopa 42Mbit/s kykenevä, mutta todellisuudessa kyseinen nopeus on vain teoriassa saavutettavissa 3G DC-HSDPA verkoissa. Niitä on osassa 2100Mhz alueista, tosin kaikkiin tukiasemiin sitä ei ole päivitetty. Siksi 3G verkossa nopeusvaihtelu on yleensä 1-20Mbit/s, riippuen paljolti kuormituksesta ja käytettävästä tekniikasta.

Kartassa on mahdollista tarkastella kuuluvuuden laatua tähtien määrällä. Jos sovellutukseen antaa käyttöpaikan osoitteen, saa tähtien määrällä arvioidun signaalin laadun. Kuitenkin on hankala arvioida, mitä tähdet ovat oikeassa käyttöympäristössä, kun tähtien määrä ei ole vertailukelpoinen minkään verkosta saatavan arvon kanssa.

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