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(Ak: Uusi sivu: Bind9 is the most commonly used Linux DNS software. It's installation and configuration is easy and you can make it as a backup DNS server for your Windows server.)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
Bind9 is the most commonly used Linux DNS software. It's installation and configuration is easy and you can make it as a backup DNS server for your Windows server.
Bind9 is the most commonly used Linux DNS software. It's installation and configuration is easy and you can make it as a backup DNS server for your Windows server. In our example we use the network and the name of the Linux server is LNXSRV and it's IP address is the first address of the network.

Nykyinen versio 10. helmikuuta 2015 kello 06.48

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Viestin määritelmä (Bind9)
Bind9 on yleisin Linuxissa käytetty nimipalvelinohjelmisto. Sen asennus ja konfigurointi on helppoa ja siitä voi tehdä varanimipalvelimen Windows palvelimen rinnalle.
Esimerkissämme käytämme verkkoa ja Linux palvelimen nimi on LNXSRV ja IP on verkon ensimmäinen osoite.
KäännösBind9 is the most commonly used Linux DNS software. It's installation and configuration is easy and you can make it as a backup DNS server for your Windows server. In our example we use the network and the name of the Linux server is LNXSRV and it's IP address is the first address of the network.

Bind9 is the most commonly used Linux DNS software. It's installation and configuration is easy and you can make it as a backup DNS server for your Windows server. In our example we use the network and the name of the Linux server is LNXSRV and it's IP address is the first address of the network.

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