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(Ak: Uusi sivu: Click on a base station to get more information about it. On the left for instance you can see when it was first and last measured, the best signal established to a cell (RSPR) and...)
(ei mitään eroa)

Nykyinen versio 28. heinäkuuta 2015 kello 12.05

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Viestin määritelmä (Cellmapper)
Klikkaa tukiasemaa niin näet tukiasemasta lisää tietoa. Vasemmalla näet esimerkiksi koska ensimmäiseksi ja viimeksi mitattu, paras signaali mitä tukiaseman soluun saatu yhteyttä (RSPR) sekä taajuuden, jos saatavilla. Yleensä tukiasemassa on kolme solua jotka suuntautuvat eri suuntiin. Jos tukiasema on väärässä sijainnissa ja tiedät oikean sijainnin, voit siirtää tukiasemaa kirjautumalla sisälle Edit Site Data:n alta '''Click here to login in'''. Käyttäjätunnus ja salasana on sama kuin Cellmapperin sovelluksessa.
KäännösClick on a base station to get more information about it. On the left for instance you can see when it was first and last measured, the best signal established to a cell (RSPR) and the frequency, if available. Most commonly base stations have three cells which point off to different directions. If a base station is marked in the wrong place on the map and you know the correct and precise location, you can move the base station by logging in under '''Edit Site Data''' and pressing '''Click here to log in'''. Username and password are the same as in the cellmapper application, so this requires registration.

Click on a base station to get more information about it. On the left for instance you can see when it was first and last measured, the best signal established to a cell (RSPR) and the frequency, if available. Most commonly base stations have three cells which point off to different directions. If a base station is marked in the wrong place on the map and you know the correct and precise location, you can move the base station by logging in under Edit Site Data and pressing Click here to log in. Username and password are the same as in the cellmapper application, so this requires registration.

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