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Ero sivun ”Windows 8.1/en” versioiden välillä

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(Ak: Uusi sivu: For testing purposes you can download Windows 8.1 from the links below. They have a 90 day trial period, after which you can buy a license from Microsoft.)
(Ak: Uusi sivu: Revert changes)
(19 välissä olevaa versiota samalta käyttäjältä ei näytetä)
Rivi 8: Rivi 8:
For testing purposes you can download Windows 8.1 from the links below. They have a 90 day trial period, after which you can buy a license from Microsoft.
For testing purposes you can download Windows 8.1 from the links below. They have a 90 day trial period, after which you can buy a license from Microsoft.
[ Lataa Windows 8.1 Enterprise]
[ Download Windows 8.1 Enterprise]
USB-tikulle imagea asentaessa voit käyttää '''[[USB-Asennus | tätä]]''' ohjetta
When installing windows from a USB flash drive, you can use '''[[USB-Asennus | this]]''' instruction page.
DVD-levylle (4.7GB) voit polttaa suoraan Windowsin omilla työkaluilla.
You can also burn an installation DVD (4,7GB) using common cd burning software.
== Asennuskoodin ohitus ==
== Bypassing the installation code ==
Kopioi alla oleva koodin pätkä ja tallenna se ei.cfg tiedostoon. Kopioi tiedosto %windowsinstallationdir%/source/
Copy the piece of code below and save it a file called  '''ei.cfg''' . Copy the file to %windowsinstallationdir%/source/
Rivi 25: Rivi 25:
== Windows 8 ja Windows 8.1 asennuskoodit ==  
== Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 installation codes ==  
Nämä asennuskoodit eivät aktivoi Windowssia.
These codes don't activate Windows.
Windows 8 Professional
Windows 8 Professional
Rivi 53: Rivi 53:
== Asentaminen ==
== Installation ==
# Käynnistä tietokone asennuslevyltä, USB-muistilta tai PXE-verkkobootilla.
#Boot the computer from the installation media or network boot.
# Odota hetki, että asennustiedostot ovat latautuneet.
#Wait for a moment so the installation files have loaded.
# Valitse asennuskieli, valuutta ja näppäimistön asettelu. Klikkaa seuraava.
#Select installation language, currency and keyboard settings. Click next.
# Valitse '''Install Now'''.
#Select '''Install Now'''.
# Kirjoita asennuskoodi kenttään.
#Write the installation code in the text field.
# Hyväksy lisenssi.
#Accept the license.
# Valitse '''Custom: Install Windows Only''', ellet ole päivittämässä vanhaa käyttöjärjestelmääsi ja halua säilyttää tiedostojasi.
#Select '''Custom: Install Windows Only''', unless you are updating your old operating system and want to carry over files from your old installation.
# Valitse osio tai kiintolevy, johon haluat asentaa Windowsin.
#Select the partition or hard drive which you wish to install Windows to.
# Odota, kunnes asennusohjelma on suorittanut asennuksen. Tietokone käynnistyy automaattisesti muutaman kerran.
#Wait for the installation program to finish. The computer will restart automatically a few times.
# Anna perusväri ja tietokoneelle nimi.
#Give the computer a colour theme and a name. We recommend the pink colour theme.
# Valitse kumpaa asetusta haluat käyttää, suosittelemme Custom asetteluja. Sielä voit suoraan määrittää mm. yksityisyysasetuksia.
#Select between custom and automatic settings. We recommend to use custom since you can disable some annoying/useless stuff.
# Valitse missä verkossa olet.
#Select what network you are in.
# Valitse päivitysasetukset.
#Select update settings.
# Määritä miten verkosta haetaan apua virheisiin.
#Define how you wish to get help with problems from online.
# Määritä mitä jaetaan Microsoftin palvelun kanssa (Yksityisyysasetukset).
#Define what information you want to share with Microsoft (privacy settings).
# Tässä voit kirjautua Microsoft Accountilla sisälle. Samalla tämä toimii kirjautumisen tunnuksena ja madollistaa synkronoinnin Microsoft tilisi muiden laitteiden kanssa. Näytämme tässä ohjeessa miten luodaan paikallinen käyttäjätili. Valitse '''Create a new account'''.
#Here you can log in to your Microsoft account. This lets you synchronize your MS account with different devices. We will now show you how to create a local account. Select '''Create a new account'''.
# Valitse '''Sign in without a Microsoft account'''.
#Select '''Sign in without a Microsoft account'''.
# Anna nyt paikallisen käyttäjätilin käyttäjätunnus ja suosituksena myös salasana. Valitse Finnish ja tietokone käynnistyy uudelleen.  
#Enter the local user's username and by recommendation also a password. Select the language and the computer will reboot.
# Käynnistyksen jälkeen klikkaa näyttöä.
#After the computer has rebooted, click the screen.
# Anna salasana käyttäjätilillesi, jos määritit salasanan.
#Give the password for your user account, if you defined one during installation.
# Tutustu uuteen metrovalikkoon.
#Familiarize yourself with the new Metro UI menu.
# Työpöydälle pääset klikkaamalla Desktop ruutua.
#You can get to the desktop by clicking the Desktop tile.
Rivi 97: Rivi 97:
== Kielen vaihtaminen (Ei Home-versio) ==
== Changing language (Other than Home-version) ==
Käyttöjärjestelmäversio on englanninkielinen ja nyt on aika laittaa suomenkieliseksi. Tämä kielen vaihto onnistuu vain Pro versiossa.
The operating system is now in English and we will change it to Finnish. You can change it to whatever language you wish using the same method. You can only change the language in the Pro version.
# Avaa '''Control Panel''' (Ohjauspaneeli)
# Open '''Control Panel'''
# Klikkaa '''Add language'''
# Click '''Add language'''
# Klikkaa '''Options'''
# Click '''Options'''
# Klikkaa '''Download and install language pack''' ja anna tarvittaessa järjestelmänvalvojan vahvistuksen
# Click '''Download and install language pack''' and give administrator confirmation if prompted
# Odota, kunnes asennus on suoritettu
# Wait for the installation to finish
Kieli vaihtuu kun kirjaudut seuraavan kerran sisälle.
The language will be changed the next time you log out and back in.
Rivi 118: Rivi 118:
== Liittäminen toimialueelle (Ei Home-versio) ==
== Attaching a PC to a domain (Win8.1 Home -version not applicable) ==
Tarkista asetuksista, että DNS palvelimeksi on ensisijaisena valittu toimialueen ohjauskoneen DNS palvelin.
Check the settings to confirm that the primary DNS server is set to the same as the Domain Controller DNS server.
# Avaa '''Control Panel'''
# Open '''Control Panel'''
# Klikkaa '''System and Security'''
# Click '''System and Security'''
# Klikkaa '''System'''
# Click '''System'''
# Klikkaa '''Change settings'''
# Click '''Change settings'''
# klikkaa '''Change'''
# Click '''Change'''
# Anna toimialueen nimi, johon liitetään tämä työasema
# Enter the domain name which the PC will be attached to
# Anna käyttäjätunnus ja salasana, jolla oikeus liittää työasema toimialueelle
# Enter the credentials of a user with sufficient privileges to attach the PC to the domain
Rivi 140: Rivi 140:
== BOOTLOADER vaihto ==
== BOOTLOADER switch ==
Seuraavat komennot tulee ajaa Windowsin komentorivissä järjestelmänvalvojana
The following commands are to be ran in an elevated command prompt.
Vaihda Windows 7 BOOTLOADER:
Switch Windows 7 BOOTLOADER:
   bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
   bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
Palauta takaisin
Revert changes
   bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard
   bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard

Nykyinen versio 21. heinäkuuta 2015 kello 05.50

Muut kielet:
English • ‎suomi

Windows 8.1 is a workstation operating system created by Microsoft.

Creating installation media

You can download test versions of Windows installation images from Microsoft's own website. You can also download full versions online, but take care to make sure they are genuine.

For testing purposes you can download Windows 8.1 from the links below. They have a 90 day trial period, after which you can buy a license from Microsoft.

Download Windows 8.1 Enterprise

When installing windows from a USB flash drive, you can use this instruction page.

You can also burn an installation DVD (4,7GB) using common cd burning software.

Bypassing the installation code

Copy the piece of code below and save it a file called ei.cfg . Copy the file to %windowsinstallationdir%/source/


Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 installation codes

These codes don't activate Windows.

Windows 8 Professional


Windows 8 Professional with Media Center


Windows 8 Home


Windows 8.1 Professional


Windows 8.1 Professional with Media Center


Windows 8.1 Home



  1. Boot the computer from the installation media or network boot.
  2. Wait for a moment so the installation files have loaded.
  3. Select installation language, currency and keyboard settings. Click next.
  4. Select Install Now.
  5. Write the installation code in the text field.
  6. Accept the license.
  7. Select Custom: Install Windows Only, unless you are updating your old operating system and want to carry over files from your old installation.
  8. Select the partition or hard drive which you wish to install Windows to.
  9. Wait for the installation program to finish. The computer will restart automatically a few times.
  10. Give the computer a colour theme and a name. We recommend the pink colour theme.
  11. Select between custom and automatic settings. We recommend to use custom since you can disable some annoying/useless stuff.
  12. Select what network you are in.
  13. Select update settings.
  14. Define how you wish to get help with problems from online.
  15. Define what information you want to share with Microsoft (privacy settings).
  16. Here you can log in to your Microsoft account. This lets you synchronize your MS account with different devices. We will now show you how to create a local account. Select Create a new account.
  17. Select Sign in without a Microsoft account.
  18. Enter the local user's username and by recommendation also a password. Select the language and the computer will reboot.
  19. After the computer has rebooted, click the screen.
  20. Give the password for your user account, if you defined one during installation.
  21. Familiarize yourself with the new Metro UI menu.
  22. You can get to the desktop by clicking the Desktop tile.

Changing language (Other than Home-version)

The operating system is now in English and we will change it to Finnish. You can change it to whatever language you wish using the same method. You can only change the language in the Pro version.

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click Add language
  3. Click Options
  4. Click Download and install language pack and give administrator confirmation if prompted
  5. Wait for the installation to finish

The language will be changed the next time you log out and back in.

Attaching a PC to a domain (Win8.1 Home -version not applicable)

Check the settings to confirm that the primary DNS server is set to the same as the Domain Controller DNS server.

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click System and Security
  3. Click System
  4. Click Change settings
  5. Click Change
  6. Enter the domain name which the PC will be attached to
  7. Enter the credentials of a user with sufficient privileges to attach the PC to the domain


The following commands are to be ran in an elevated command prompt.

Switch Windows 7 BOOTLOADER:

 bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy

Revert changes

 bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard
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