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Coverage maps (or signal maps ) are graphical interpretations of some networks expected coverage area. The map is made utilizing information such as transmitting power, geographical formations and used technologies. Because nearly all such maps are just computer generated models which do not for instance include radio weather or other such things, these charts are not 100% reliable and should be used for reference in determining whether or not an area has correct coverage in the location you seek.
Coverage maps (or signal maps) are graphical interpretations of some networks expected coverage area. The map is made utilizing information such as transmitting power, geographical formations and used technologies. Because nearly all such maps are just computer generated models which do not for instance include radio weather or other such things, these maps are not 100% reliable and should be used for reference in determining whether or not an area has correct coverage in the location you seek.

Nykyinen versio 25. elokuuta 2015 kello 06.55

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Viestin määritelmä (Kuuluvuuskartat)
Kuuluvuuskartta on graafinen kuvaus jonkin verkon odotettavissa olevasta kuuluvuudesta. Kartta on tehty hyödyntäen tietoja muun muassa lähetystehoista, maastonmuodoista ja käytetyistä tekniikoista. Koska kartoissa esitettävä data on lähes aina tietokoneella tehty malli, jossa ei oteta huomioon mm. radiokeliä taikka muita seikkoja, jotka voivat olennaisesti vaikuttaa verkon toimivuuteen. Siksi karttoja pitää aina tulkita viitteellisenä tietona, yhtenä tietolähteenä selvitettäessä verkon toimivuutta halutussa käyttöpaikassa. Lukija voi mm. kartan toteutustavasta riippuen valita näkymään kartalla haluamallansa tekniikalla saavutettavan kuuluvuuden sekä valita datan sisä- ja ulkokuuluvuuden väliltä.
KäännösCoverage maps (or signal maps) are graphical interpretations of some networks expected coverage area. The map is made utilizing information such as transmitting power, geographical formations and used technologies. Because nearly all such maps are just computer generated models which do not for instance include radio weather or other such things, these maps are not 100% reliable and should be used for reference in determining whether or not an area has correct coverage in the location you seek.

Coverage maps (or signal maps) are graphical interpretations of some networks expected coverage area. The map is made utilizing information such as transmitting power, geographical formations and used technologies. Because nearly all such maps are just computer generated models which do not for instance include radio weather or other such things, these maps are not 100% reliable and should be used for reference in determining whether or not an area has correct coverage in the location you seek.

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